Ginni Enterprises

Production process

Rubber Moulding

We specialize in crafting precision rubber molded parts using a combination of Hydraulic and Semi-Automatic presses. In this meticulous process, raw rubber is precisely measured and placed into molds. Under controlled pressure and heat, the rubber undergoes curing, resulting in durable and accurately shaped components for various applications.

Rubber Hoses Extrusion

Our rubber extrusion process is powered by two state-of-the-art extruders boasting a 1:8 LD Ratio and two heating zones each. After precision extrusion, our Automatic Hollow cutting machine ensures accurate shaping. The extruded rubber then enters our dual 20ft. vulcanizers, equipped with boilers (1 tonne and 600 kg) for impeccable curing, ensuring top-notch quality in every product.

Silicon Hoses Wrapping

In our Silicon Hose wrapping process, we utilize 15 cutting-edge wrapping machines for efficient and precise manufacturing. The silicon material is meticulously wrapped around a mandrel to ensure uniformity. Subsequently, the wrapped hoses undergo vulcanization in our specialized equipment, featuring a separate boiler and vulcanizer dedicated to Silicone parts. This comprehensive approach guarantees the production of durable and high-quality silicon hoses for diverse applications.